What are consumer Trends in Health and Nutrition? Explore now

A healthy living lifestyle and adopting healthful behaviors are evolving with time. Companies and brands must comprehend consumer views and habits about their health as new trends develop and information about various disorders and illnesses is disseminated through more channels than ever before.

The Euromonitor International Poll team conducted an online survey in February 2019 in collaboration with essential industry participants and in-house industry analysts. The survey’s findings, which included more than 20,000 respondents from 20 main markets around the world, offer consumers information on short- and long-term health behaviors and attitudes in areas like packaged food, consumer health, and sports nutrition.

As consumers seek to change their healthcare, one of the survey’s significant findings was the rapid change in the consumer health and nutrition landscape.

Consumer Trends in Health and Nutrition: Vitamins and Supplements Driving Beauty Innovation

Supplements and vitamins Driving Innovation in Beauty

The distinctions between the items that consumers use to maintain their health are becoming hazier as a result of rapidly evolving health trends and the abundance of easily accessible information on nutrition and health. For instance, customers who once relied on conventional beauty products to keep their appearances in check are increasingly considering vitamins and supplements as a way to improve their appearance as a component of their entire well-being.

Companies and brands need to ensure they are viewing their goods and services from the same perspective as customers, who are moving their attention to a more holistic approach to healthcare. Given the ongoing disruption in the health and nutrition industries, it is crucial that brands and businesses look beyond their direct rivals and product categories.

The meaning of health

Consumers are incorporating vitamins and supplements into their beauty routines and overall well-being in addition to traditional topical beauty products, reinforcing the growing trend that people are approaching their health in a more holistic way.

Vitamin and Supplement Use for Beautification and Skin Health

The most popular vitamins and supplements for beauty and skin health are vitamin E, green tea extract, and multivitamins. Even while some of these vitamins and supplements have long been common ingredients in cosmetics and personal care items, how customers are using them has evolved. In addition to the typical pills and capsules found in the vitamins and supplements categories, these products also include ready-to-drink items, powders for meals or shakes, and oral sprays.

Not only is the way that consumers consume vitamins and supplements evolving, but so are the ways in which they get information and decide what to buy. Most customers continue to rely on conventional sources of information like physicians, pharmacists, family members, and friends. To get healthcare advice and information on which vitamins and supplements to take, global consumers rely on websites devoted to healthcare (20%), social media (16%), and fitness trainers or coaches (14%).

In order to be a part of the broader lifestyle choices and habits people have when it comes to their health, brands and businesses need to grasp the full landscape of health and nutrition for their consumers rather than focusing only on their specific categories.

Consumer Trends in Health and Nutrition: Vitamins and Supplements Driving Beauty Innovation

Top 5 Consumer Trends Affecting Nutrition and Health

Consumer health and nutrition are undergoing fast change. Consumers want to change the way they receive healthcare. The distinctions between the items that consumers use to maintain their health are becoming hazier as a result of rapidly evolving health trends and the abundance of easily accessible information on nutrition and health. Companies and brands need to ensure they are viewing their goods and services from the same perspective as customers, who are moving their attention to a more holistic approach to healthcare. The top five consumer trends with an international impact on nutrition and health are listed here.

1) Growing Attention to Mental Well-being 

Consumers are actively altering their daily behaviors in an effort to live more balanced lives and preserve their mental health. Although there are many aspects of mental health, like feeling calm, relaxed, confident, or self-assured, consumers most often want to take time for themselves. Global consumers are spending more time engaging in yoga, and meditation, requesting flexible work schedules to preserve a healthy work-life balance, engaging in hobbies, spending time with friends and family, and prioritizing sleep.

2) Anxiety and stress are on the rise

Consumers now experience more stress and anxiety every day as a result of the rise of social media, fast-paced, on-the-go lifestyles, and shifting political and environmental environments. Despite the fact that many consumers are concerned with work-life balance and that the importance of mental health is rising, stress and anxiety continue to be problems for a sizable portion of the population.

3) Maintain Balanced Diet

It appears that consumers prefer to eat in more conventional manners. Many of them are concerned with eating a balanced meal and are aiming for a diet that prioritizes foods that are high in protein, low in sugar, and low in carbohydrates. These customers desire a wide range of choices, frequently aiming to incorporate raw foods, dairy-free, or vegan goods in their meals. The attention of consumers to eating a balanced diet extends beyond just their own health. Numerous consumers are changing their behavior to support larger causes. Some of the key motives for wanting attributes like locally sourced, organic, and fair trade include the environment, animal welfare, and community involvement.

4) Nutrition for Fitness Maintenance

Exercise is not only seen as a crucial preventative healthcare practice, but for many customers, it also plays a big role in their self-image. Active consumers frequently look for sports nutrition supplements to improve their exercise routines. The most popular products consumed worldwide are protein or energy bars and electrolyte or hydration drinks. Customers want to support their bodies and fitness regimens more, but they don’t want to compromise their lifestyle as a whole.

5) Prevention is preferable to treatment

The belief that adopting these adjustments can stop illnesses and afflictions in the future is at the heart of the general movement toward leading a balanced lifestyle and emphasizing healthcare with a holistic perspective. Instead of waiting to seek therapy for problems, consumers are looking to make sacrifices and take extra steps in the areas of food, exercise, and mental health. They search for a middle ground, looking for simple means of obtaining vitamins and nutrients through supplements so they can concentrate on health and wellbeing rather than treatment.

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