When we hear the phrase “Made from the finest ingredients,” we typically think of a well-known tea or luxury cuisine from a reputable retailer, like Harrods in England.
This brand language is currently being applied to nutritional supplements as well. In addition to giving us trust in the things, we are purchasing, telling a brand’s story helps to accurately describe the product being offered.
This will be advantageous to both your clients and your nutrition business. Good things are made with good ingredients, and good lifestyles are made via healthy nutrition supplements. You can now share nutritious dietary supplements created from the best ingredients with the people you care about.

Choosing the appropriate raw materials for medical products
When choosing the raw materials, important factors to keep in mind are:
- Is there sufficient evidence to support the choice of material’s (and its by-products’) safety? If the raw material is “generally regarded as safe” [GRAS] material, for instance, is it often utilized in the regulated industry? Is it known to have toxicological issues (such as the possibility of cancer)?
- Is the raw material thought to be inert or does it produce any pharmacological responses? Do Nutrition Supplements generate concerns regarding interactions with your medicine substance for pharmaceutical products? Does it modify your product’s classification as a medical device or a combination product (which would result in various regulatory requirements and processes) for medical devices? If so, is there another agent that could assist you in avoiding a more challenging pathway?
- Is there a finite amount of this material? If so, can another raw material be used in its place? In the event that this is not the case, it is essential to guarantee the supply of this material (sign a contract with the supplier or find another supplier) to prevent shortages from affecting the production of your healthcare product during the clinical or commercialization phases.
- Is the material appropriate for your finished item? Excipients, for instance, can make up more than 90% of the weight of medicinal preparations. Assess the compatibility of the components that may influence the dosage form’s quality (such as hardness and dissolution rate).
- Is the ingredient pharmacopeial- or medical-grade available? If so, does it adhere to the rules in the intended jurisdiction? If not, can another ingredient be used in its place?

International standards
A thoughtful business demonstrates its concern right away. An OEM manufacturer, like Oribionature, positions itself to compete in the worldwide market by joining and upholding international standards.
A well-known international standard for Quality Management Systems is ISO 9001:2015. (QMS). It offers a framework for enhancing the quality and delivering goods and services that consistently satisfy consumers’ needs and expectations.
At Oribionature, we apply this international standard to collect data and make decisions based on the best available evidence in order to enhance our offerings and give your clients nutritious dietary supplements. Whether you run a business, a pharmacy, or a hospital, the advantages of purchasing from suppliers who follow ISO standards include developing a sense of quality that enables you to meet consumer expectations, boost sales, and enter new markets.
Global brand competition
Building a strong brand is an excellent strategy if you want to stay ahead of the competition. Several partners are involved in Oribionature’s private-label branding efforts.
Begin by locating the raw materials you’ll need to create your product, then hunt for the highest quality. When you work with Oribionature, you may accomplish this with your nutrition company.
At Oribionature, we recognize that managing your raw materials is a crucial component of creating your brand in the market for nutritional supplements, which is why we adhere to worldwide quality standards in our sourcing and manufacturing.
This will enable your company to successfully compete in the international market. In order to create your brand from its foundation, and the appropriate raw materials, it is a good idea to start off on the right foot with fresh product design and development.
To create fresh, nutritious nutritional supplements for Malaysia and the international markets, Oribionature collaborates with top nutrition scientists.
Regulatory affairs and compliance
At Uno, we go to great lengths to ensure that our healthy supplement formulations for OEM manufacturing in Malaysia only use the highest caliber components from reputable vendors.
To assure the greatest possible levels of nutrition products, all of the substances utilized in Oribionature’s products have been approved by the appropriate authorized agencies. Our lab, which is equipped with a variety of tools and methods for doing worldwide standard lab analysis testing, carries out the maintenance of these high standards in quality at Oribionature.
The testing equipment we employ at Oribionature is compatible with regulatory standards and uses high-sensitivity detection to provide accurate results.
Through our quality control procedures, we make sure that our operational systems abide by all applicable laws, including those pertaining to food safety, Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) (HACCP). Meal replacements, protein supplements, healthy supplements, and nutraceutical items are just a few of the finished goods we monitor at Oribionature to make sure they’re safe, legal, and up to corporate standards and R&D requirements.
At Oribionature, we comply strictly with regulatory affairs pertaining to subjects like Halal, Food Labeling Screening, Free Sales Certification, Food Classification, and Buatan Malaysia, including import and export paperwork processes.
Trust and verify
Oribionature is constantly searching for trustworthy new collaborators to join us on our nutrition journey.
Please do not hesitate to approach us for an initial business dialogue if you are interested in collaborating with one of Malaysia’s top OEM manufacturers by providing premium ingredients, knowledge, or other commercial value addition.
We would be pleased to talk about your ideas and how we may collaborate in the future.
The foundation of Oribionature’s brand name for employing the best ingredients on the market is the verification of the suppliers we work with as part of our career in the nutrition industry.